Questions & Answers

Tattoo Removal

 How does laser tattoo removal work?


At Lazerclear we use the Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser (Quality-Switched Neodymium-Doped Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet) which is one of the most effectively used lasers for tattoo removal.

The Q-Switched N:D YAG lasers produce a high-powered beam of laser light at a speed that is too fast to heat the skin. This very short pulse of light penetrates the skin without breaking it and is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces. Your body’s immune system then recognizes these particles as a foreign body and attacks them, removing them naturally through the body’s lymphatic system. A gradual fading of the tattoo then occurs over a series of treatments until fading or full removal is achieved.

How much does laser tattoo removal cost?

Price per session is dependent upon the size of the tattoo and length of the sitting, single or multiple colours and whether the tattoo was carried out by a professional or an amateur. We will be able to give you a full quote during your consultation. We charge a minimum price of £30 per session.

Will laser tattoo removal remove my tattoo completely?

Possibly! Modern lasers give amazing results but there are no guarantees. Sometimes the total elimination of the tattoo is not possible. Greater than 95% fading of the tattoo may be accomplished; however, it is very important to know that over 100 tattoo inks are in use worldwide today, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Not knowing which tattoo ink has been used, how deep it has been applied, or how much was used makes it impossible for the laser technician to predict the degree of removal on any given tattoo.

How many sessions will it take to remove my tattoo?

Several treatments may be needed before the tattoo fades enough to no longer be visible. The number of sessions needed is dependent upon many factors; Ink types, colours used, tattoo depth, tattoo age, skin type of client, placement of the tattoo & also how good your body’s immune system is. Up to 12 sessions may be required before the tattoo fades completely (amateur tattoos could take less). If you only want to fade your tattoo for a new tattoo cover-up, you may need only 2-3 sessions depending on the design of your cover-up.

Do all colours of ink respond well to tattoo removal?

Most colours can be removed completely although some colours will require more treatments and even the most challenging colours will usually fade. On some occasions, certain colours may not be removable although additional treatments can produce significant fading. Black, dark blue, and red respond really well to the laser. Oranges and purples usually respond well. Green can occasionally be problematic and white, yellow and some pinks are more difficult to remove.

Will laser tattoo removal scar me?

Scarring was an issue of ten or fifteen years ago when the equipment used for tattoo removal was rather primitive. Generally speaking lasering does not cause scarring and the active Q-switched laser which we use is designed with this in mind. The laser will not scar the skin for two reasons. First, the laser does not go deep enough in the skin to cause a scarring response. Second, the pulse from the laser is so fast that only the tattoo pigmentation is affected and the surrounding cells and tissue are left undamaged. However, it is extremely important that aftercare is strictly followed.

Sometimes the original tattoo will have caused scar tissue which will become noticeable when the tattoo pigment is removed and we can advise as to this situation prior to removal. There is normally no lasting damage to the skin. Very occasionally mild changes in skin texture and colour may occur. There can be a change in pigment colour which usually returns to normal after 6-18 months.

Is laser tattoo removal painful?

Pain is your personal perception and everyone experiences it differently. The laser emits light in very short pulses. The impact of the energy from the powerful pulse of light is similar to the snap of a thin rubber band or the splatter of hot oil from a frying pan. Prior to treatment, we will numb your skin with an ice pack or you can use numbing cream should you so wish. Please apply the cream 90 minutes before treatment for best results.

Can I have just part of the tattoo removed?

Yes, our laser is very accurate. You can choose specific parts of the tattoo for removal i.e. we can remove text from a design or remove misspelt letters etc.

How long does each session take?

Treatment can take between 5 and 45 minutes. Longer sessions could cause too much trauma to the skin so are not recommended. This means that larger tattoos need to be treated in several separate sittings.

How long should I wait between sessions?

It is recommended a minimum of 6-8 weeks between treatments to achieve the best results. The laser breaks down the ink so that your body’s immune system can remove it and this takes time. Sometimes 8 weeks can be needed depending on your body’s capabilities to dispel the ink and skin healing properties. Treating your tattoo too frequently actually increases the risk of scarring and discolouration; it does not make the ink disappear faster. The removal of a tattoo is a long process and clients are advised to be patient.

Can I schedule to come back sooner than 4 weeks?

No. The targeted ink takes time to break down and be removed by the body. Visits are scheduled between 4 and 6 weeks apart to allow the body to absorb and dissolve the disrupted ink.

What should I do before my treatment?

Do not expose skin to UV or self-tan at least 4 weeks before and/or between treatments. Avoid microdermabrasion, exfoliating, or peels on the treatment area for 1 week before treatment. Skin should be free from moisturisers and lotions etc. Any hair situated at the treatment site should also be removed prior to treatment.

Are there any limitations after treatment?

Redness and swelling may occur, similar to sunburn. This settles within a few days. Some patients may blister which is quite normal. Blistering does not require treatment and will usually clear within days. The treated area should not be exposed to strong sunlight between sessions without the use of sunblock (SPF 50).

What are the possible side effects?

Most side effects of laser procedures are temporary, generally few and to be expected.

Normally symptoms will subside within a week and may include:

  • Localized Swelling and Redness – The most common side effects and could feel similar to sunburn for a day or two.
  • Blistering – Don’t worry when blistering occurs, this is part of the normal healing process and the skin will heal nicely afterward as long as you do not pick and scratch the scab.
  • Infection – Following each of the treatment sessions there is always a high risk of infection to the area. It is very important that you maintain a good level of hygiene.
  • Scabbing – If you do experience blistering and/or bleeding when the scab forms as with any healing wound it is very important not to pick any scabbing as this could cause scarring and impair further treatments.
  • Hypopigmentation – Loss of skin colour may occur. But, normal skin tone should return within 6 – 12 months following your last treatment session. Very occasionally the hypopigmentation effect can be permanent or pigment will return in patches. As a general guideline, the darker the skin and the more treatments required, the more risk there is of long term de-pigmentation.
  • Hyperpigmentation – An abundance of colour in the skin at the treated area. This problem is more common in patients with darker skin types and patients with fresh tans are also more at risk. Hyperpigmentation is usually always a temporary effect that responds to topical bleaching therapy and resolves over time.
  • Sunburn. – A risk that follows treatment, it is important that you keep the area covered in a minimum factor 25 sun cream at all times when the area is not covered by clothing or a sterile bandage.
  • Lack of complete pigment removal – Some colours cannot be treated, traces (or ghosting) of colour pigmentation may remain after treatment.
  • Slight pin-prick bleeding or weeping – This is all normal and nothing to worry about.
  • Allergic Reaction – A possible development of an allergic reaction to your tattoo dye as it is released into your system.

Detailed written aftercare instructions will be provided at your consultation – PLEASE follow them to the letter and do not listen to friends who inevitably will have well-intentioned advice. The care routine is different from having a tattoo – please follow the provided aftercare instructions.

Am I suitable for treatment?

Certain medical conditions and medications would make exposure to the laser treatment dangerous to you.

Patients that should not be treated:

  • Pregnancy or a patient trying to become pregnant. (There is an unknown but possible risk of transfer of ink to the foetus. Additional slight risk of miscarriage due to the stress of the procedure.)
  • Breastfeeding, (again because of unknown but possible risk of transfer of ink to the baby.)
  • Chemotherapy within the last 6 months because of sensitivity to light and the compromised status of the immune system.
  • Users of Accutane or Tretinoin-Retin A within the last 6 months for the treatment of acne or other dermatological conditions.
  • Type I Diabetes
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Anyone with an immune system disorder.
  • Active Infections or inflammatory skin conditions at the treatment site
  • Tanned or sunburned skin in the area of the tattoo
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Anaemia
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis/Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Chronic Disease (Crohn’s Disease, IBD, etc.)
  • Renal Failure (Acute or Chronic)
  • Malignancy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Epilepsy (because repeated consecutive flasher may induce a fit)
  • Collagen Vascular Diseases
  • Users of St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) in the past 3 months
  • Waxing, plucking, sugaring or threading depilation treatment of the area in the previous 4~6 weeks (because the follicle has been removed)
  • Surgical metal pins or plates under the tissue to be treated
  • Wearing a pacemaker
  • Taking any topical medication (e.g. hydrocortisone) or is wearing perfumes, deodorants, sunblock, essential oils or other skin lotions (which could cause photosensitivity)

Patients to exercise extra precautions or care with:

Allergic reaction to ink, primarily red tattoo ink, may lead to an increased chance of anaphylaxis. Either

should not be treated or patient should take Claritin or Benadryl prior to treatment and for at least 3

days while they are healing.

  • Skin types IV or above because of an increased chance of hypo or hyperpigmentation and scarring.
  • History of keloid scarring because of an increased chance of further keloid scars.
  • History of hyper or hypopigmentation
  • Antibiotic use may cause an increased sensitivity to light.

Other Conditions to Consider:

  • Chronic disease because of delay in healing. These patients may need longer between treatments to heal fully.
  • Older clients may also take longer to heal.
  • Immuno-comprised patients (ex. HIV, AIDS, Arthritis, Allergies) may take longer to heal or not flush out ink as well as other patients.
  • We are not registered to treat clients under 18 years of age.

IMPORTANT – you cannot be treated if you are suntanned or have used a self-tanning cream. The increased melanin in your skin will make you liable to burns. Please stay out of the sun for at least 6 weeks prior to treatment. This is for your safety. The lightening of skin colour is more common following sun exposure.

Carbon laser facial

What is a Carbon Laser Facial?

Carbon Laser Facials are a revolutionary, non-invasive, painless with virtually no-downtime procedure that helps rejuvenate the appearance of aging and damaged skin. It gently removes the top layer of skin, leaving an amazing glow with a vibrant, youthful complexion.

Also known as a China Doll Laser Facial, Hollywood Peel, Black Doll Laser Facial, or Charcoal Black Doll Facial, this gentle procedure is safe on all skin types. It is a great way to get a quick skin refresher without the longer downtime associated with other laser procedures. It evens skin tone, reducing the appearance of pigment, fine lines, and acne scars.

How do Hollywood stars, models, and media personalities keep their skin glowing and unblemished year after year? This and many of our other laser skin treatments can leave you looking and feeling your best following the procedure. With this treatment, you’ll benefit from a procedure that has given many of our patients the results they want, through a safe procedure.

How it works.
We’ll apply a layer of liquid carbon to your face (or body), allowing it to penetrate deeply into your pores and let it dry. The carbon bonds with any debris that might be present, like dead skin cells, contaminants, and oil.

We’ll then pass a laser across the surface of your skin. Because the laser light is super attracted to carbon particles, its energy and heat are absorbed by the carbon paste destroying the particles in your pores.

Light from the laser is attracted to the carbon. The carbon absorbs light energy. The reaction causes a mini-explosion. The explosion pushes the energy, in the form of heat, deep into the layers of the skin where elastin and collagen are activated and cells begin producing anew. Meanwhile, on the surface of the skin, as the explosion occurs the carbon is vaporized along with any dirt, oil, or dead skin cells. Sounds kind of scary, with all the explosions and vaporizing, but don’t worry. There’s very little discomfort or pain. The sensation has been described as a mild tingling or very slight pinch.

Who can benefit from this treatment?

For those who want to combat the signs of aging, Carbon Laser Facials can rejuvenate your skin by:

  • Reducing the signs of premature aging
  • Improving skin integrity and radiance
  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increasing skin tone and texture
  • Stimulating collagen growth for firmer, plumper skin
  • Reducing oily skin or exfoliating dry skin
  • Erasing or fading yellow/brown pigmentation
  • Shrinking scars (must be young scars of a small diameter).

Which celebrities use them?

A-listers Kim Kardashian, who is also a fan of the vampire facial, is said to get a carbon laser facial. Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, both exes of Brad Pitt, are reported to have them done.

No matter by what name you might know it, the principle is the same. CLF (carbon laser facial) is a non-ablative laser skin treatment that uses the conductive qualities of carbon to quickly and painlessly exfoliate, cleanse, clear and tighten pores, brighten and even out skin tone and activate a deeply rejuvenating skin reaction that produces skin that is smooth, plump and radiant!

Carbon Laser Facials are safe and effective for all types of acne and can:

  • Gently clear your pores to help reduce blackheads and whiteheads
  • Simultaneously targets acne bacteria and shrinks your sebaceous glands for reduced oil production, congestion and outbreaks
  • Decreases cyst size, papules, and nodules

What can I expect?
Your skin will feel immediately smoother and look instantly refreshed. Better still, there’s zero downtime! You can return to your daily activities immediately following your treatment – your skin may appear slightly red but this should disappear within a few hours. We recommend you use SPF 30+ and avoid abrasive exfoliates or other invasive skin treatments for a few days.

How long do results last?
It will depend on the condition of your skin, your skin type, and your lifestyle.

You’ll probably notice results after a single treatment. However, for long-term results, we recommend regular treatments – 4-6 treatments are optimal, spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

Please note: If you’ve recently had dermal filler or toxin treatments, we’ll recommend you wait a minimum of 2 weeks before undergoing Carbon Laser Skin Rejuvenation.

Will it hurt?
No! The treatment is gentle, non-invasive, and painless. You’ll probably hear a small pulse as we target the carbon particles in your pores with the laser. Our clients describe the feeling as warm or prickly but not painful.

Super Hair Removal (SHR)

How does laser hair removal work?

Super Hair Removal (SHR) works by gradually heating the dermis to a temperature that effectively damages the hair follicles and prevents re-growth while avoiding injury to the surrounding tissue. A series of short, high repetition pulses are delivered deep into the dermis, achieving high average power and therapeutically effective heat build-up, with virtually no pain. The sweeping in-motion technique of moving the applicator repeatedly over the treatment area ensures full coverage while cooled tip technology cools the skin surface – preventing superficial burns and allowing for highly effective hair removal.

How many treatments will I need?

Everyone’s hair grows differently, depending on age, weight, metabolism, hormones, hair thickness, the area treated, medications, ethnicity, and other factors. Typically, thick dark hairs require 6 to 10 treatments in total. For optimal long-term benefits, treatments are phased to coincide with your hair growth cycle to maximize the percentage of reduction per treatment. After that, annual touch-ups are recommended to remove any new growth.

Why do I have to come back for multiple treatments?

Hair grows in cycles that consists of three phases – the Anagen phase (active growth), the Catagen phase (dormant growth), and the Telogen phase (fall-out stage). Hair can only be permanently destroyed during the Anagen phase when hair follicles have an abundance of colour and are being fed by blood vessels. The heat generated by the laser seals off the blood vessels to these active hairs preventing them from growing back.

You can expect 50 – 85% of hairs to be inactive growth phase at any given time, but typically only 5-35% of these hairs will contain enough pigment to be permanently reduced. Surviving hairs will come back, but usually weaker and finer in texture. In order for treatments to be effective, our program takes a phased approach to laser hair reduction to coincide with the Anagen phase of hair growth, maximizing the effectiveness of each treatment.

Where can hair be removed from the body?

Laser Hair Removal is possible in virtually any area of the body. With a series of treatments – as long as the hair has strong colour – we can treat the face, neck, chest, back, bikini area, legs, and even fingers and toes.

How does Laser compare with other hair removal methods?

As you’ve most likely experienced, traditional methods like shaving, sugaring, waxing, and depilatory creams are only temporary solutions. In contrast, electrolysis sessions are long, painful, and often require years of treatment to become permanent. Our medical-grade laser delivers light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time, using 3 different wavelengths, helping you save time and money! Our laser treatments program can provide permanent hair reduction in just seconds, while electrolysis would take over an hour for similar effects.

What do Laser Hair Removal treatments feel like?

The in-motion technology keeps the handpiece moving constantly and combines with moving cooled tip technology for a truly pain-free treatment. Most clients say they only feel a little warmth and sometimes a tingling sensation. Some clients even find it relaxing and have compared it to a warm massage.

Are there any possible side effects?

Some clients experience minor redness immediately following a treatment session, this will disappear within a few minutes.

Preparation Guidelines Prior to Laser Treatment

  • Stop sugaring or waxing 6 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment.
  • Stop using self-tanning lotions or sprays 8 to 10 days before treatment.
  • Shave the area to be treated the day before your appointment.
  • Make sure to wash off all your make-up prior to treatment. Avoid using long-lasting lipstick or any makeup that does not remove easily the day of the treatment.
  • Remove jewellery, especially in the area to be treated, as it may absorb or reflect the laser light.
  • Protective goggles must be worn at all times during your session to protect your eyes from the intense laser light.

Special Considerations for Laser Treatment

If you are on or have received any of the following, please inform us as they can have negative interactions with our laser treatment

  • Accutane or gold therapy in the last six months can make your skin more susceptible to damage from the laser.
  • Permanent Makeup, tattoos, or artificial fillers will not react well with the laser. The laser light will be attracted to the permanent colour and possibly remove it so this area will need to be avoided.
  • If you have a history of herpes it is recommended you contact your doctor and begin a course of prophylactic antiviral therapy before your laser removal treatment program begins.

What is required for aftercare?

  • Avoid sun exposure and use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher throughout the course of your treatments and for 6 to 8 weeks after if going out in the sun.
  • Applying a small amount of Bio Derma lotion can speed up the healing process and rehydrate the skin.
  • For treatments on your face, do not apply any makeup, self-tanning, scented lotions, or any similar products to the area for 24 hours.
  • Refrain from waxing and plucking the treated area through the duration of your laser treatment program. Shaving is okay!
  • Gently wash the treated areas gently and use a mild soap in the shower or bath. Skin should be patted dry after washing and the use of deodorants is perfectly fine.
  • Shedding of hair will occur anywhere from 5 to 30 days after a treatment session. This appears as new hair growth but is actually dead hair being pushed from the skin. To assist in the process, wash or wipe with a flannel to exfoliate the skin.
  • Hair re-growth occurs at different rates in different areas of the body. For this reason, generally, 6 to 8 weeks is required in between treatments.
  • Call the clinic with any questions or concerns, if you are experiencing signs of burning, blistering, excessive redness or prolonged discomfort, it is best to call right away and not to ask a friend or search on Google.